Thursday, May 17, 2012

Its not my fault... the universe wants me to be a "fatty"

Over the weekend a friend asked me why I hadn't weighed in last week. "Don't tell me you are slacking!" he says to me...  "I have been slacking ... I put on 1/2 a pound"- was my response. That half of a pound turned into 2 pounds when I weighed in today. Back up to 205. 

For the past almost 2 weeks I have been avoiding the scale, this blog, my meal plan, EVERYTHING
It is as though the universe has sucked out all of my energy and motivation and replaced it with chocolate cravings and non-stop opportunities to cheat.

The slow down started when my husband and I hosted "fight night" for the much anticipated Miguel Cotto vs. Floyd Mayweather boxing match.  In honor of Cinco de Mayo I served tacos and chips and dips... I had too much of everything and on top of  that, a few Mikes Hard Lemonades. If I counted the calories I ingested that night I would probably cry.

The snails pace continued all last week... On the days I ate breakfast, I made sure it was a healthy one. But on a few occasions, I skipped breakfast all together and ate a mid day lunch, usually store bought.  Dinner was usually healthy, always including steamed vegetables but eaten late and followed by a  desser usually a Skinny Cow or TCBY, eaten even later. The week came and went with absolutely NO EXERCISE at all.

The screeching halt came when I helped out with a Mother's Day lunch by making a bunch of food and desserts. I made cupcakes, chocolate covered oreo pops, chocolate covered pretzels, a full size frosted brownie decorated with sugar stenciling, pepperoni wheels and spinach wheels and a chicken Alfredo pasta. While I was cooking I didn't do much sampling, on the day of the party on the other hand I skipped breakfast, ate a little bit of everything at the party and drank like a fish.

I have absolutely no motivation to workout and I am finding every excuse in the book not to do it. I have officially come to a screeching halt with my fitness plan. Every day someone asks me, how things are going with my plan, I smile and say "GREAT!" out loud ... and in my head I'm saying "HORRIBLE, I suck! I'm not working out at all and I have lost all motivation and desire to continue!" 

Every time I turn around there is another event, or celebration or dinner invitation...  Fast food is literally on every street.... teasing me. Workout out is so hard and cheating is SO EASY...

Yesterday my sister sent me yet another little gem I thought I should share with you... this article serves as more proof that the universe wants us all to be fat.

This makes me scared...

And so my friends, I am back to square one again. Luckily I did not gain all the weight back but I gained back enough to scare me back on the straight and narrow.

My apartment has once again filled up with junk foods... stay tuned for home and workout videos and a new meal plan.

Very Truly Yours,


The Scared Straight "Fitness Fatty"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The "Fitness Fatty" and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I remember seeing this nutra-grain commercial a while back where a woman experiences two different scenarios. The commercial  is a split screen where on one side she makes the "healthy choice" and eats a nutra-grain bar for breakfast  and on the other she eats a chocolate frosted donut. It goes on to show all of the choices she makes for the rest of the day based on that first breakfast choice. Of course after eating the nutra-grain bar, she picks fruit instead of brownies, and veggies and chicken instead of creamy pasta and at the end of the day she is all smiles :-)  When she picks the donut, she eats a burrito for lunch and at the end of the day shes looking in the mirror feeling bloated and sad :-(  

I thought of this commercial on Sunday when unfortunately I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad nutrition day.
It all started out with skipping breakfast. My husband was given the honor of becoming a godfather andd Sunday was the baby's baptism. We rushed out of the house without having any breakfast and by the time reception came around, my tummy was rumbling like a volcano about to erupt.  At around 11:30 I ate an appetizer sized turkey sandwich with cheese on white bread  :-( was all down hill from there.

 On the way home we decided to get our son a happy meal :-(  Don't worry I didn't eat anything from the golden arches but I did try one of their almost 300 calorie cherry berry slushies. AND IT WAS AWESOME. There was no saving myself after that.

When dinner time came we decided to go out . Friday's has a few great low calorie options.... but the thought of more broiled fish made me want to cry.  

 I said to myself... "You know what would go nicely with the cherry berry slushy still floating around in my belly? A gigantic cheeseburger with some bbq sauce on it- that's what!"

As I ordered it, I realized that I had officially lost my mind! I knew I would have to pay for it in body squats but I didn't care. And unlike the girl in the nutra-grain commercial I felt great. It was the most delicious thing I have had in weeks and I enjoyed every last bite.

After dinner I received a small gift from God, that only parents (especially those with special needs children) can appreciate. My son fell asleep in the car around 7pm which would give my husband and I a chance to watch a movie and hang out in peace and quiet. Now how could I enjoy a movie after this long day without ice cream? So off I went...

On my way to Emack and Bolio's inconveniently located one block from my house, I kept telling myself to turn around and eat a protein bar or some carrot sticks. I talked to myself all the way to the counter, where I ordered not one but TWO scoops of cookie dough ice cream. It was the BEST, and once again I did not feel like skinny girl from the nutra-grain commercial. I went to bed last night with all of my cravings satisfied.

Today I am getting back on track and SKIPPING THE GUILT. I ate like a crazy person yesterday and I am not proud of it. But I am also not going to let it lower my self esteem. I have been kicking butt on this program and although I made bad food choices yesterday... one day doesn't make this program a failure. Today I will pay for my bad choices in planks and squats... and I'm actually looking forward to it.

Here are some videos of my workout with the always awesome...  Bryan Nunziato 
Now that the beautiful weather is here, this will happen to a lot of us. We will be spending lots of time with friends and family and it will be hard to make healthy eating choices. Here are some ways that you can avoid having a day like mine when you are going to be out or at an event.

1. Don't skip breakfast! Make sure you give yourself enough time in the morning to eat a healthy  breakfast before spending the day out. Try  an egg white and veggie omelet, a slice of whole wheat toast, and 1/2 an apple with 1/2 a tsp of peanut butter (my breakfast of choice). It will keep you satisfied longer, boost your metabolism and give you the mental strength to be the nutra-grain girl  and make good choices through out the rest of the day.

2. Pack Snacks and Water- Throw a few healthy snacks in your bag. A protein bar, some nuts, a banana or an apple. Make sure you don't go more than 3 hours without having a snack and a bottle of water so you are not famished by the time your next meal comes around. We all make better eating choices when we are not starving.

3. Don't let one bad choice change your whole day. If you have an unhealthy lunch, pick a super healthy dinner. One bad choice does not have to turn into a whole day of bad choices.

4. Skip the Guilt.  All the "emotional eaters" out there know that once you start feeling bad about yourself, out comes the box of cookies you've been hiding in your secret "fatty" stash. Own up to your mistake and move on. Use it as motivation to get a great workout in the next day.

And so friends... It finally happened. I fell off the wagon and ate like a maniac. But I'm back in the game and focused.

Now its time for you to tell me what you do when you fall off the wagon.

What are your triggers? How do you make up for your bad food choices and how do you avoid making the same mistakes again?

Can't wait to read your comments.

Very Truly Yours,
The back on track "Fitness Fatty"